
For more information, please visit my Google Scholar here!

  • Alberto A. Mendonça, Luis Ghivelder, Pablo L. Bernardo, Lesley F. Cohen, Angelo M. Gomes, Low hysteretic magnetostructural transformation in Cr-doped Ni-Mn-Ga Heusler alloy, J. Alloys Compds. 938, 168444 (2023).
  • A.A. Mendonça, L. Ghivelder, J.F. Jurado, A.M. Gomes, Magnetocaloric effect in Ni2(Mn,Cu)Ga0.84Al0.16 Heusler alloys, JMMM 531, 167965 (2021).
  • C.W. Galdino, D.C. Freitas, C.P.C. Medrano, D.R. Sanchez, R. Tartaglia, L.P. Rabello, A.A. Mendonça, L. Ghivelder, M.A. Continentino, M.J.M. Zapata, C.B. Pinheiro, G.M. Azevedo, J.A. Rodríguez-Velamazán, G. Garbarino, M. Núñez-Regueiro, E. Granado, Structural and spectroscopic investigation of the charge-ordered, short-range ordered, and disordered phases of the Co3O2BO3 ludwigite, Physical Review B 104, 195151 (2021).
  • A.A. Mendonça, L. Ghivelder, P.L. Bernardo, Hanlin Gu, R.D. James, L.F. Cohen, A.M. Gomes, Experimentally correlating thermal hysteresis and phase compatibility in multifunctional Heusler alloys, Phys. Rev. Mater. 4, 114403 (2020).
  • CW Galdino, DC Freitas, CPC Medrano, R Tartaglia, D Rigitano, JF Oliveira, AA Mendonça, L Ghivelder, MA Continentino, DR Sanchez, E Granado, Magnetic, electronic, structural, and thermal properties of the Co3O2BO3 ludwigite in the paramagnetic state, Physical Review B 100, 165138 (2019).
  • A.A. Mendonça, J. F. Jurado, S. J. Stuard, L. E. L. Silva, G. G. Eslava, L. F. Cohen, L. Ghivelder, and A. M. Gomes, Giant magnetic-field-induced strain in Ni2MnGa-based polycrystal, J. Alloys Compds. 738, 509 (2018).